“At Wenker, we believe that doing good business means taking responsibility for society and the environment. We are committed to our employees and to our local area and make smart resource management a priority as early as the product planning stage.”
By taking on social and environmental responsibility, we can demonstrate that our corporate values are not just empty promises.
Corporate social responsibility is a term that goes far beyond the responsibility of big companies. At Wenker GmbH & Co. KG, we try to share in this responsibility and feel it is our duty to seize every potential chance and opportunity to take socially and environmentally responsible action.
The first steps we have taken toward ensuring responsible conduct and improving corporate environmental protection are introducing the Code of Conduct for employees and suppliers as well as participating in the Ecoprofit project.
Corporate Social Responsibility, Code of Conduct and Compliance. These are concepts that have now also become an aspect of business for medium-sized companies. In order to establish a framework for a responsible relationship to humanity and the environment and for meeting ethical challenges in our day-to-day work, Wenker GmbH & Co. KG has summarized its long-standing corporate values into a Code of Conduct for employees and suppliers.
To create a solid foundation for our company values, we finalized a new company agreement guaranteeing compliance with the General Equal Treatment Act. The aim here is to eliminate discrimination, particularly discrimination based on sex and gender identity, race and ethnic origin, citizenship, religion and belief systems, age, disability, sexual identity/orientation and social background. To ensure compliance, all employees must confirm that they consent to the Code of Conduct and agree to comply with its provisions.
A further step toward guaranteeing and spreading the idea of socially responsible conduct is for our suppliers to also comply with these values and standards. Suppliers will be asked to provide assurance of their compliance by signing a corresponding form (available in the following for download). This form must be signed by new suppliers before they enter into a business relationship with us. We ask suppliers with whom we already have a business relationship to sign the Code of Conduct retroactively.
We hope that by introducing our Code of Conduct we will be able to have a long-term influence on social awareness in the corporate sector.
We also hope it will inspire our suppliers to create their own codes of conduct.
At Wenker, we believe that taking responsibility for society and the environment is a prerequisite for managing a successful company in every respect. We are committed to our employees, clients and society, and incorporate smart resource management into our products, from the planning stages to final installation. We feel it is our duty to seize every potential chance and opportunity to take socially and environmentally responsible action.
Initial steps toward improving environmental protection include the energy savings from implementing a major project entitled “Development of a plant to treat VOC-contaminated exhaust air flows for neutralization and energy generation in a cogeneration plant”, and the addition of photovoltaic systems to our room modules.
Going forward, we intend to remain up to date as always, to be among the best in environmental and energy management and to successfully convey our mindset, actions and ideas to the outside world. To that end, Wenker GmbH & Co. KG launched the Borken district’s “Ecoprofit 2016” project in April of this year.
ECOPROFIT (Ecological Project for Integrated Environmental Technology) is an initiative of the Borken district, in which the district administration works closely with companies to improve corporate environmental protection. It does this by holding joint workshops with other companies and providing targeted, professional advice on environmental topics of particular interest to Wenker GmbH & Co. KG. This includes conducting analyses of specific weak points surrounding issues such as waste, hazardous material storage and energy management. In order to reduce negative environmental impacts, economically validated initiatives are developed, implemented and disseminated during the 12 months of the joint project.